Add Board

A board is the place where your workflows come to life. Think of it as a virtual white board where you can keep track of and manage anything. docotive fetches data from the board and puts into your Word template to generate your desired documents.

Let's see how to add a board

Step 1. Add Board
  • a : Click on “+ Add ” from the left side menu and select “New Board”
  • b : Now you can assign a name to your board
  • c : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “File Settings”
Step 2. Add columns
  • a : Select your board and click “Main Table” amd name it
  • b : Click on “+” Add Column on the table to add column
  • c : You can select the column to be text or numbers or date etc from the various options

After adding all the required fields now is the time to add records in it. Records can be added manually or by importing files. It supports .csv, .xlsx, and .xls files types. Its very simply only drag and drop your file to import the records.

Step 3. Add records
  • a : Select your board. Click Main Table. Click “New Items” or the name of your items
  • b : Select “Import Items” or import the name of your items
  • c : Drag and drop your file and click “Next”
  • d : Choose which column from the Excel file will appear as the item name (the first column in your board) and Click “Next”
  • e : Map Excel columns or your data file columns with existing board columns
  • f : Select to choose duplicates and click “Start import”

Based on your requirements you can add, edit or delete columns in the table. docotive will fetch data from these columns and insert them as placeholders for creating and generating your professional documents.

Click here for more information on Board.

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