Customize your own Word template with docotive's Placeholders

Easy way to customize template is by using docotive's placeholders. Placeholders have full control over your template to make it data driven. Add text, images, table without fuss with data format. Templates use placeholders. Placeholders allows you to insert values from specific columns in table to the Microsoft Word template.

You can find list of all the placeholders i.e. common, user and single item in docotive’s Settings. Simply copy the placeholder and use it where ever you want in your template.

docotive offers flexibility in template layouts. Users have the option to employ their own customized layout defined within the template to display multiple items and subitems in user defined layout rather than using a table layout. Click to learn more

Lets see how to use Placeholders in Word Template

Add Placeholders
  • Step 1: Goto ‘Document Placeholders’ in docotive’s view on board
  • Step 2: Copy your required placeholders by clicking copy icon next to placeholder entity
  • Step 3: Open your microsoft word template
  • Step 4: Paste it in the Microsoft word template
  • Step 5: Save the template

Here in this example - They are inserted as <<entity.Agent Name>> Here Agent Name is the column name in the table. You copy it from Placeholder's tab and paste into word template. It will insert the value from table to Microsoft word template.


Next step :: Add integration recipe to automate generating documents

Add Integration Recipe

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