Document Format

The Document Format option is for overall look and feel of structure of your generated documents. Here you upload Microsoft Word(.docx) document as template and name your generated documents the way you like.

Lets see what you can do in Document Format

Naming Generated documents
  • Default List document name User can set the name of the generated List document. By default it is docotive_list
  • Default Single Entity document name User can set the name to the generated entity documents. By default it is docotive_item. To give unique name to the generated document please select the column from the dropdown. Selected column will get prefixed to the generated entity document
Document Types
  • There are two types of templates. List templates and Entity templates
  • Download Template Clicking “Download Template” will download the Microsoft Word (.docx) Template that is currently uploaded in the docotive view and is being used to generate list/entity documents. It will download on to your desktop.
  • Upload Template Clicking “Upload Template” button asks you for the template i.e. Microsoft Word(.docx) document from your computer to be use for the generating list/entity documents.
  • Reset to default Clicking “Reset to default” button will reset your templates to the default templates set by docotive view.
Document Format
  • Document format Image Enable either one or both options Generate Microsoft Word(.docx) or Generate PDF Document(.pdf) to generate documents in the format you want to get generated.
  • Save settings
    • Click Save settings to save your settings on docotive’s Document Format
    • arrow-up icon