Generate Entity Documents

An entity document are designed for showcasing an individual record from a set of items in the table e.g. items related to single property as address, landlord, property status etc. used to generate an agreement of property or another example is the record of an employee in the organisation.

Before you start to generate documents you must have following things ready.

  • 1 : You must have your template ready. If you don't have one click here to get template
  • 2 : You must have docotive view installed. If you havn't installed yet don't worry. click here to install it
  • 3 : Get your board ready. If you are unsure about what and how to do. Simply click here to guide you on adding and setting up board.
  • 4 : docotive's integration recipe must be added. If you are unsure about adding an integration. Simply click here to guide you on adding integration recipes

Upload Word Template

Upload template
  • a : Go to docotive view
  • b : Click on the number sequence indicated in the image i.e. Click - Settings -> Document Format -> Upload Template -> Save Settings
It will save the Microsoft Word template in the docotive view. Hoorey! you are all ready to generate documents be it manually or through automation(docotive's integration recipes).

If you are not happy with the Word template than Click "Reset to default" button to delete your uploded Word template and it will automatically reset to docotive's entity Word template.


Different scenarios where you can generate entity documents

Generate default entity documents

Once your Board is all set and docotive view is installed with docotive's integration recipe. you are all set to generate entity document

  • a : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “Document Format”
  • b : Give unique name to the generated entity document by enabling the option “Use column value for entity document name prefix?” and select column name from dropdown to be prefixed to the name of the document.
  • c : Enable the options in your preferred format i.e. .doc or .pdf or both and click “Save Settings”
  • d : Goto "Main Table" and click “Generate documents” button to generate documents against the row(items) for which you want document. There is an integration recipe to the button. Click here to see how to add integration recipe.

The generated document will show under “Documents” tab in docotive’s view OR in the file column in the main table only if you have created it and linked it. Click here to learn add file columns to store generated files in the table as well

Generate entity documents with the help of Template builder

Once your Board is all set and docotive view is installed. Click docotive view and select "Template Builder" button.

  • a : Select Template type from the dropdown. In this case it is Entity Template.
  • b : Design your template simply by selecting placeholders from the dropdown and clicking “Insert” button. Click here to learn more on Template Builder.
  • c : Click “Save Template” to save it for future use in the docotive’s Template Builder.Clicking “Use Template” will allow you to download template on your computer and it will also save it on docotive view ready to generate documents
  • d : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “Document Format”.
  • e : Give unique name to the generated entity document by enabling the option “Use column value for entity document name prefix?” and select column name from dropdown to be prefixed to the name of the document.
  • f : Enable the options in your preferred format i.e. .doc or .pdf or both and click “Save Settings”
  • g : Goto "Main Table" and click “Generate documents” button to generate documents against the row(items) for which you want document. There is an integration recipe to the button. Click here to see how to add integration recipe.

The generated document will show under “Documents” tab in docotive’s view OR in the file column in the main table only if you have created it and linked it. Click here to learn add file columns to store generated files in the table as well

Generate entity document by customizing word template

Once your Board is all set and docotive view is installed with docotive's integration recipe. you are all set to generate entity document


  • a : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “Placeholders” from left menu.
  • b : Copy placeholder one by one and paste it to the .doc file and save your word documents on your computer
  • c : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “Document Format”.
  • d : Give unique name to the generated entity document by enabling the option “Use column value for entity document name prefix?” and select column name from dropdown to be prefixed to the name of the document
  • e : Enable the options in your preferred format i.e. .doc or .pdf or both and click "Save Settings"
  • f : Goto “Main Table” and click “Generate documents” button to generate documents against the row(items) for which you want document. There is an integration recipe to the button. Click here to see how to add integration recipe.

The generated document will show under “Documents” tab in docotive’s view OR in the file column in the main table only if you have created it and linked it. Click here to learn add file columns to store generated files in the table as well

Customize Entity Template

docotive offers flexibility in template layouts. Users have the option to employ their own customized layout defined within the template to display multiple items and subitems in user defined layout rather than using a table layout.Click to learn more

Amazing features to automate your work

  • 1 : You can share generated documents as attachment in email. These generated documents can be shared with board subscribers, clients, suppliers, vendors etc based on “Delivery Settings” under “Settings” tab of docotive view. Click here to see how easy it is.
  • 2 : You can customise your own email and can share documents to anyone. Click here to see how to customise email.
  • 3 : You can share generated documents on Google drive. Click here to see how it’s done.
  • 4 : You can make changes in the “File Settings” to store the generated document in the “Main Table”. Click here to see how to do it.
  • 5 : You can use Pre-Built templates from docotive Template Gallery to generate documents.

Next step :: Share Generated documents

Share Generated Documents

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