Integration Recipes

docotive provides integration recipes that generates documents. These recipes are for various scenarios; for instance, you can create documents based on factors like dates, statuses, or even by initiating the process through a single button click within your table. You can even send generated document to clients.

Before adding docotive's integration recipe, you must have follwing things ready.

  • 1 : You must have your template ready. If you dont have one click here to get template.
  • 2 : You must have docotive view installed. If you havnt installed yet dont worry. Click here to install it.
  • 3 : Upload your designed Word template in the docotive view. If you dont know where and how to upload template than dont worry Click here to upload it.

Let's see how to add a button integration recipe

Recipe operates on a single data row, i.e. single entity. docotive offers a diverse range of recipes, each aligned with distinct actions that align with your requirements. These integration recipes provides you access to "If this, then do that" which add to document generation.

Step 1. Add Button & File Column
  • a : Add a Button column to your board. When you first add a new button column, shows a “Set up” form to help you set up the button. Ignore this form and follow the steps below instead
  • b : Add File column to board. Here docotive’s generated document will get saved
  • c : Goto docotive view and click “Settings” tab and select “File Settings”
  • d : Enable option to “Upload generated documents to file column” and select column name from the dropdown to store generated documents in the “Main Table”
Step 2. Add docotive integration
  • a : Click on the “Integrations” at the top of board
  • b : Search for docotive integration
  • c : Click on integration recipe
  • d : Fill the integration recipe
  • e : Click on the button in row of the table. It will generate documents in Files column

Next step :: Generate documents to automate generating documents

Generate Documents

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