Template Gallery

docotive offers pre-designed templates for both Board and Microsoft word templates.

Option 1 -> Board + Word template
Board templates are combination of both Monday.com's board and Word template designed for you.

Board Templates

Option 2 -> Word Template
Generate documents with help of beautifully designed docotive's Microsoft Word document templates for you

Word Templates

Generated document types in docotive i.e. List and Entity.

List documents are in the form of tables(list) where results are populated from the table of Monday.com's board.

Entity documents are for the individual records from the table of Monday.com's board. Basically documents are generated item wise.

Type 1 -> List Document
A List documents are designed for showcasing a collection of items in an organized table manner

List Documents

Type 2 -> Entity document
An entity document are designed for showcasing an individual record from a set of items in the table

Entity Documents

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