Custom Layouts

docotive offers flexibility in template layouts. Users have the option to employ their own customized layout defined within the template to display multiple items and subitems in user defined layout rather than using a table layout.

Let's find out just how easy it can be

Custom List Layout of Word Template
  • Syntax:: The beginning and ending tags, <<#items>> and <</items>>, respectively, to display the data as a list of items enclosed between them. It is a list template.
  • Example::
    Client: <<Name>>
    Invoice number: <<Invoice No>>
    Invoice Date: <<Invoice Date>>. Due Date <<Invoice Due Date>>
    ** Here 'Name', Invoice No, Invoice Due Date are the column name lable in the Main Table
Custom Sub-items Layout of Word Template
  • Syntax:: The beginning and ending tags, <<#sub_items>> and <</sub_items>>, respectively, to display the data as a sub-items enclosed between them.It is an entity template.
  • Example::
    <<entity.Item>> has purchased following items <<#sub_items>>
    Description <<Description>> Quantity <<Quantity>>
    ** Here 'Item', Description, Quantity are the sub-items name lable in the Main Table
Custom Image Layout of Word Template
  • You can customize the layout of images in both list and entity template.
  • Syntax for items(entity):: <<items.Images[0]>>

    Syntax for subitems:: <<sub_items.Images[0]>>

    * Here 'Images' the column name lable in the Main Table.
    * [0] is the index of the image in the column. There can be multiple images in the same column of the table.
  • Place a sample image in the word template and right click on the image to get the 'Alt tag'. Copy the placeholder from the placeholders in the docotive settings and paste in the alt tag within the syntax.
Once you are done pasting all the required placeholders in your template. Now it’s time to Upload your template in docotive View to generate documents. Click to learn how to Upload template.

Upload Template

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