Table Columns

Generate List document with selected number of columns from the main table. Here you will see all the columns names that are in your main table. You select the columns names and will get displayed in your generated list document.

Lets see how to use Table Columns to generate List document

  • Step 1 Goto ‘Table Columns’ in docotive’s view on board (goto docotive view -> settings -> Table Columns)
  • Step 2 Make changes to following options as per your need
  • Sort table rows in list documents? Enabling this option lets you sort rows by columns and in your prefered ascending or desending order in your generated list document
  • Customize Date Format? Enabling this option lets user to have his own format to display date e.g. DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY etc in your generated list document
  • Include table column headers Enabling this option lets you to display board's column labels as first header row in your generated list document
  • Selecting Columns names You can select the columns available in the board of your choice and those will get displayed in your generated list document
  • Step 3 Click Save Settings to save the settings made on Table Columns
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