Generate Documents

docotive is flexible in generating documents in list style and as well as an entity(item) wise.

Before you start to generate documents you must have follwing things ready.

  • 1 : You must have your template ready. If you dont have one click here to get template
  • 2 : You must have docotive view installed. If you havnt installed yet dont worry. Click here to install it
  • 3 : To generate item wise document you must have added docotive integration receipes. If you havnt added yet dont worry. Click here to install it
  • 4 : Upload Word Template in the docotive view Click here upload template

Document Types

docotive provides flexibility in generating different styles of documents. Be it 'a list document' or 'an entity document'.


Generate collection of items in an organized table manner

Generate A List Document


Generate individual record from a set of items

Generate An Entity Document

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