Delivery Settings

docotive allows you to define the way for sharing / delivering professionally generated documents from your email account created on

setup delivery settings
  • Goto docotive view - Settings - Select “Delivery Settings” from left menu
  • “Send generated documents as an attachment by email” Enabling this option will send the generated documents by email to the one who generated it i.e. account holder. When user will click "Generate document" button on docotive view or button on the "Main Table" with integrated integration recipe to the individual record
  • "Don't send email to user himself" Enabling this option will not send the generated documents by email to the one who generated it i.e. account holder.

There are few very useful feature that will amaze you by automating your work.

  • 1 : You can customise your own email and can share documents to anyone. Click here to see how to customize email.
  • 2 : You can share generated documents on Google drive. Click here to see how it’s done.
  • 3 : You can make changes in the “File Settings” to store the generated document in the “Main Table”. Click here to see how to do it.
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